Morgan Stanley

Holdings Disclaimer

IMPORTANT: The values attributed to the securities or other investments shown on this page are provided for your information only and are not intended for any other purpose, including, financial disclosure, marketing, reporting (regulatory or otherwise) or the determination of net asset value. Values displayed may not represent current market prices or actual prices that the securities or other investments may be bought or sold, nor may they include all relevant costs (i.e., fees, charges, duties, commissions and taxes).

This data does not constitute a periodic statement for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or any other form of official statement related to your account at Morgan Stanley or, as applicable, its affiliates (together, Morgan Stanley). Positions may or may not reflect corporate actions (such as dividends and stock splits), and corporate actions are based on information supplied to us by third party sources for which we assume no responsibility. To the extent there are any discrepancies between any trade confirmation(s) sent to you and this data, the trade confirmation(s) will prevail.

While Morgan Stanley obtains pricing from standard third party quotation services which we believe to be reliable, Morgan Stanley makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy of the data and the prices provided herein. Any comparisons to benchmarks have been provided for reference purposes only.

In some cases, this data may reflect investments and/or positions that are not held with Morgan Stanley as nominee including, but not limited to, Australian securities that are held through issuer sponsorship as opposed to Morgan Stanley broker sponsorship, Australian managed funds that have not been acquired through Morgan Stanley, non-Australian securities or other investments, cash held via third party cash management accounts — Morgan Stanley makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy of the values or amounts of such positions. In the event that non-sponsored securities are shown, please note they are reported on a best endeavours basis and may be inaccurate, as Morgan Stanley relies on information provided by you and third parties.  Similarly, cost price data may be based on information provided by you, and as such Morgan Stanley cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

If you have any questions regarding this data, or require any further information, please contact your financial adviser. This data is neither a recommendation, advice, nor an offer to purchase, sell, enter into, transfer and assign, or terminate any transaction, instrument or position, or a commitment by Morgan Stanley to give a recommendation or advice or to make such an offer. Morgan Stanley disclaims any and all liability relating to this data including, without limitation, any express or implied representations or warranties for statements or errors contained in, or omissions from, this data.